What is Metafora?
"Metafora" is Italian for "Metaphor".
Metaphor is a kind of analogy, descriptive language, rhetorical
device or an figurative expression that brings something powerful to the communicating of vital points. Eg, "Making the turkeys
look forward to Christmas!"
Metaphor is the most powerful and compelling device that managers use constantly.
are everywhere in organisational life. We use them to describe the purpose of the organisation (the big picture), how the
organisation will operate (like a family, like a finely tuned machine, like a flock of birds), what the role of leadership
is (conducting an orchestra, steering the boat), and why the organisation must change (defeat the enemy, win the battle, capture
the spoils)."
Metaphors can shake up accepted wisdom and force people to think differently, even creatively."
Our History
Metafora Business Associates is based in Singapore and has expanded its network to Australia, China,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, and the United States of America.
Our firm looks forward to working with the
community and sets sight to learn and grow into the future.